Hello to all my new blog friends! Just wanted to leave a quick note to tell you all that I am home from the hospital and recovering well from my hysterectomy. There were 8 people in the operating room for my surgery which totally shocked me. There was the anesthesiologist and his med student, the oncologist who actually did the surgery and his 2 residents and 3 nurses. Right before they put me to sleep I said if there is any way to complete this surgery without having to cut me wide open please please do it. I don't know if it was because I had said this or not but Dr. S. (my oncologist) said that there were a few complications that they weren't expecting and I lost a lot more blood than usual and he came so close to cutting me open, but they were able to complete the surgery with 4 small incisions and vaginally, I can live with that! Thank you God! So I am in full recovery mode right now, catching up on reading all my favourite blogs and sleeping (lots of sleeping!). My mother in law has been my angel and is here with my FIL looking after me and the kids. I am very VERY blessed.
Here are the "Highlights" of my stay in the "all-inclusive resort":
1st Photo: The food is so gross. Why oh why do they feed sick people disgusting food?
2nd photo: It's not that obvious in this photo but when they intubated me they must have banged my lip pretty hard as I had a fat lip when I woke up. My hubby thinks it's hilarious that I can only smile with half my face!
3rd photo: I lost my knuckles! My left hand was so swollen by the IV! Thank goodness I had removed my wedding rings!!
Thank you for all the wonderful emails of love, support and prayers you have sent me! I will let you know my biopsy results as soon as I get them (in approx. 1 week). :) Cath